
Roundtable on the options of energy efficient transport of Tata

The topic of the roundtable meeting was to reveal the obstacles of improving the energy efficiency of the transport of Tata, and also, to find solutions for the identified problems. For this aim, local stakeholders on the field of transport, representatives of the local council, experts and NGOs...

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Kosice

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Kosice

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Tata

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Tata

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Bialystok

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Bialystok

The state of transport energy efficiency on national level in the v4 region

The study analyses the opportunities of transposing the transport systems onto a sustainable basis in the Visegrad Countries, with reviewing the transport focused or related governmental strategies, programmes, action plans in this regard. In our study, we introduce country by country the...

Options for sustainable and energy efficient urban transport in the v4 region

In our next study, we analysed the options for sustainable and energy efficient urban transport. As a result of our work we concluded, that the transport sector of the four Visegrad countries can be characterised with similar problems. After the regime changes in 1990 the then-outdated transport...

Roundtable on the options of energy efficient transport of Bialysztok

25.09.2013SUMMARYThe meeting was attended by 8 participants.At the beginning of the meeting, Dariusz Kraszewski, the representative of Zielone Mazowsze, described the project and discussed how road transport affects urban population health. Next, Karol Mocniak presented the expert opinion on the...

Energy efficiency analysis of the transport sector of Prerov

The energey efficieny analysis of the transport sector of the city of Prerov.

Roundtable: Energy efficient transport in Prerov

27.2.2013, PrerovSUMMARYThe roundtable was divided into three main parts. The introductory part defined the topic, gave an overview of relevant strategies at the European and national levels and provided a view of future funding possibilities (via the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020)....

Energy efficient urban transport - A summary of the SusTrans roundtable meetings in the V4 region

As part of the “Cooperation for sustainable transport in the V4 region”, an international project supported by the International Visegrad Fund, four national level roundtable meetings were organised during the spring and summer of 2012. The main theme of these roundtable discussions was...